How to Stretch Your Back Correctly

Your back is one of the most important parts of your body. Keeping it mobile and flexible is a concern for many, especially those who work at a desk. Decreased movement and stiffness can lead to other health problems down the line. Mostly through exercise, but also...

Understanding your unique relationship with yoga

If you’re into yoga and have spent anytime whatsoever on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed that there are a lot of people taking some really gorgeous yoga pictures. It’s very easy to look at gorgeous, well-photographed, yoga pictures and feel like...

Benefits of Tea After Yoga Practice

We’ve all seen the sports drink commercials where the players guzzle some artificially sweetened water full of dyes and electrolytes. We are led to believe that these all-purpose sports drinks are the solution for rehydrating after a workout. The benefits of...

How Weed Affects Your Yoga Practice

With the legalization of marijuana spreading through many states, weed is becoming a less taboo subject and people are introducing it into parts of their lives they never dreamed of before. One interesting combination that is starting to arise is weed and yoga. In...