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Posture Core Interval Yoga Fusion Workout Calorie Burn Ballet Barre

Intermediate Level. Beginners can use modifications. Equipment needed- loop bands, dumbels, optional strap and block.
I am using this set of loop bands
This class is a true fusion of Interval Training, Strength Training with props, some Barre Moves and Vinyasa Power Yoga. If you do not have props please apply modifications and still complete the class.
Expect a lot of plank variations, lunges and side lunges. Standing vinyasa interlaced with interval training work. Burpees, shoulder openers, back builders, booty builders. Plie, Skull-Shining Breath;
* Kapalabhati breath helps you release toxins and helps you detox the internal organs, it is excelent for improving the tine of the abdominal wall, improving digestion and flattening the belly, decreasing bloating. It is excellent for for strengthening the digestive system and therefore assimilation of nutrients.
It also can help increase your metabolism.
The intervals I am interlacing in the class will help you increase your metabolism and lose fat. In addition the twists and postures that address the core can help you decrease abdominal fat and Visceral Fat (fat around the internal organs which is dangrrous to your health).
Backbends are interlaced throughout the class. We will work on opening the chest and deepening the backbends while also strengthening the back muscles.
Active Muscle Shoulder Building.
Meditation on Gratitude, Being Present and Connected.
Focus on softening the shoulders and back.
Open Heart Chakra Hand Bound Warrior Pose -Anahata Chakra Baddha Hasta Virabhadrasana
Half boat posture Ardha Navāsana
Chamatkarasana Wild Thing Pose
Caturaṅga Daṇḍāsana चतुरङ्गदण्डासन Four-Limbed Staff
Śalabhāsana Locust with bands
Tadasana Namaskara Mountain Pose
Utthita-pārśvakoṇāsana Extended Side Angle
Vasiṣṭhāsana Vasishta’s pose/Vasishta is the name of a sage Arm balance (Side Plank Pose)

Utthita Sthiti Surya Yantrasana Extended Standing Sundial Pose
Standing (Uttihista Sthiti)

Viparita Virabhadrasana Reversed Warrior Pose
Vīrabhadrāsana Warrior II
Vīrabhadrāsana III Warrior III
Utkaṭāsana Awkward Pose/Powerful pose
Ūrdhva Mukha Śvānāsana Upward

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