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5 Healthy Snacks that will Help you Improve your Wellness

Do you have a love/hate relationship with snacking? Could it possibly be because most of the time your snacks are not very good for you? Could it be because they usually make you feel worse and bloated after you are done eating? Throughout time, a negative connotation has been imposed upon the word “snack.” But why? Maybe because of all the not-so-healthy choices available on the market today. That doesn’t mean you should be denied of a mid-day treat if you’re feeling hungry. Next time your stomach begins to rumble, reach for one of these options that will actually help.

Throughout time, a negative connotation has been imposed upon the word “snack.” But why? Maybe because of all the not-so-healthy choices available on the market today. That doesn’t mean you should be denied of a mid-day treat if you’re feeling hungry. Next time your stomach begins to rumble, reach for one of these options that will actually help.

But why? Maybe because of all the not-so-healthy choices available on the market today. That doesn’t mean you should be denied of a mid-day treat if you’re feeling hungry. Next time your stomach begins to rumble, reach for one of these options that will actually help improve your overall well-being. You will feel better for and your body will thank you later.


Loaded with various vitamins and minerals, just one avocado can leave you feeling full for hours. Potassium, lutein, folate, and vitamins B, C, and E, are all plentiful. Whether added to a smoothie or by simply eating one on its own, you will reap the many health benefits of this perfect snack.

Vitamins and minerals, just one avocado can leave you feeling full for hours. Potassium, lutein, folate, and vitamins B, C, and E, are all plentiful. Whether added to a smoothie or by simply eating one on its own, you will reap the many health benefits of this perfect snack.


From your heart to your brain, snacking on a handful of walnuts is beneficial for your overall health. Abundant in linoleic acid, munching on some of these can help prevent cancer, asthma, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. Throw some in a bag and keep these nearby for when hunger calls.


Rich with antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin A, berries are a delicious snack with many beneficial properties. Noted for improving memory and preventing heart disease, your body will thank you for supplying it with these sweet treats. When in season, load up on fresh berries. During the off-season, buy frozen. After all, they really are berry good for you!


From fiber to antioxidants, apples have been notorious for reducing the risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Slice one up and sprinkle some cinnamon on top. Proven to lower blood sugar levels, cinnamon is one of the healthiest spices you can use. An apple-cinnamon mid-day snack will improve your overall wellness and leave you feeling sustained and satisfied.


Containing large amounts of iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber, quinoa is a protein-rich health food, comprised of all essential amino acids. Linked to preventative care for high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease, quinoa is one grain that shouldn’t be overlooked. White quinoa can be purchased in bulk, from sources like, which is generally a smart way to buy it, since you may end up cooking a cup or more at a time.

Our bodies should feel nourished and energized from the food we choose to eat. When your body is hungry, don’t deprive yourself. Instead, reach for a vitamin-rich snack that provides lasting benefits long after your plate is empty. You shouldn’t have to go hungry, but you shouldn’t have to limit yourself to certain foods either. Everything in moderation. In the end you will feel better and have more energy. You will appreciate the good feelings after you eat and so will your body.

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